.22 Caliber Precision Rifle Skills
If you want to be a better rifle shooter, this course is for you. No matter what kind of rifle you typically shoot, the skills and practice methods presented in this course will help you improve your rifle shooting ability.
The ubiquitous .22LR is in most gun owners’ collections. It is fun and it is practical. It provides a means for regularly practice that does not break the bank.
This course fun and challenging learning experience relevant to the small game hunter, the serious rifle practitioner, and the aspiring competitor. Skills learned will set you up to successfully attend a 22 PRS Match or harvest small game in the wild. You will be exposed to effective techniques and individual coaching to improve your ability to consistently and efficiently make accurate hits from 50 to 200 Yards or further (range permitting).
Topics of Instruction:
Firearms Safety
Ammunition Selection
Rifle Set Up (Stock considerations, Optic considerations, Sling and Bipod selection)
Shooting Positions (Prone, Seated, Kneeling and Standing)
Sling Use
Bipod Use
Scope Adjustment
Improvised Positions (Field Firing)
Mini Match (Short Competition Stage)
Equipment Required: Reliable and accurate .22 rifle equipped with a quality scope. Although not required, the best suited optics for this course will be of variable power, preferably with target turrets. The rifle should have modern tactical quickly adjustable sling and bipod. Eye and ear protection. 250 Rounds of quality and accurate .22LR ammunition. CCI 22 LR 40 GR Lead Round Nose is ideal. If you prefer to run something more accurate, that would be great.
Note: Your rifle and ammunition should be capable of maintaining 2 MOA or better accuracy. Less accurate guns are welcome, just be advised some of the targets will be very challenging.
Aspects of this course have been designed by Ty Cooper. Ty is a world class rifleman with numerous national championships and a member of the Army Marksmanship Unit Hall of Fame. We also will be assisted by 22 PRS competitor Ben Black, founder of the NRL22 (National Rifle League) Club in New Castle Virginia and Match Director at the Appalachian Marksmanship Academy.
We look forward to seeing you at the range!
Ben Black