Contact Distance Pistol
CDP – is for the Defensive Practitioner who is already well skilled in the fundamental use and manipulation of their defensive pistol of choice but knows that they need additional skill to be able to effectively employ the pistol in an extremely close proximity environment. You must be safe and competent with your pistol. Prior training from JDC or a vendor we approve is required. If there is any question in your mind, if you have the requisite skill to participate in this course, please contact us priorto registering to ensure you have the skills necessary to benefit from this course.
There are essentially three ranges for the fighting with a handgun: 1) beyond arms-length – normal pistol engagement distance, 2) at arms-length – here your pistol may benefit you but you must earn your draw before presenting, & 3) Within arms-length – the pistol is a poor choice here until you can a) establish control or b) break contact and create distance. In ECQPF we will work at all three of these distances are develop effective strategies and options for you. This is approximately an 8-hour full day course with moderate physical activity required.
A “blue gun” We have several Blue Glock 19 and 17 Inert Trainers for your use. If you are using something else, it will be necessary for you to acquire an inert trainer for class. Contact us, we have a few other trainers available.
Prior pistol training
Plastic Inert Training Pistol that fits your holster
One-hand Garment Clearance
Retention Shooting (Thumb Pectoral Index & Other Options)
Point Shooting
Basic Combative Techniques – Control, Striking, Blocking & Shielding
Weapon Retention
Fouling your opponent’s draw/Disarming
Range and Distance the Time Continuum
Decision Making
Skills in Context
Equipment Needed:
Defensive Pistol
Holster and gun belt
At least 3 Magazines and preferably 2 Mag Pouches
Shooting (Safety) Glasses and Outer Shell Hearing Protection
Ball Cap (optional – highly recommended)
At least 250 Rounds of quality ammunition
Attendance Considerations:
You understand, know, and can follow the Cardinal Rules of Firearms Safety in a group environment