Ken Bloxton


9/11 occurred when I was a senior in high school. This motivated me to join the Army after graduation. After completing my Army service, I started shooting more on my own and eventually began competing in high speed shoot & move 2 Gun and 3 Gun events. I attended numerous shooting classes with some of the biggest names in the industry and spent my free time on the range practicing and getting better. In 2015, the hard work paid off and I won 2-Gun Nationals and placed 5th in at 3-Gun Nationals. In 2017, I founded Origin Shooting, a training program which is built on the concepts that made me successful. High speed shooting and movement, setting personal goals, and training beyond the standard.

I am very excited to be part of the Justified Defensive Concepts team, where we can help you achieve your shooting goals.

Ken is the owner of Origin Shooting, an excellent competition shooting academy that runs monthly matches at Echo Valley Training Center.